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      08-14-2016, 08:44 PM   #68
Fugly M3
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Drives: 2023 M3CX
Join Date: May 2006
Location: SoCal

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Originally Posted by GuidoK View Post
Thats because in the US cars are cheap, taxes are incredibly low and average wage is higher (especially after last years euro inflation....)
exactly...most American buyers don't realize just how much their German cars would cost in the EU. I built my 230i with a US sticker of 38.3k USD (34k EUR roughly) would cost closer to 50k EUR or nearly 55k USD. I rented a 420d (our 328d engine) m sport 6mt vert for my last Euro driving trip (phenomenal touring car fyi) and specced it out to what was over 85k EUR at the time (fall 14). That's nearly 100k USD at the time. I think they're even more expensive in other Singapore.
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