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      01-31-2016, 11:01 PM   #179
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Drives: 2018 340i xDrive
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Halifax NS, Canada

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Originally Posted by 924er View Post
Ummm nah buddy, I got a 2010 335i supposedly the model with all the revised parts. It's a BMW man. We love our cars but don't be a fanboy and claim how reliable your BMW is. You are one person. Look at this forum for gods sake. If you knew BMW you would know how shitty reliable it is compared to a Toyota. It's not bashing it's common sense. Let me know when you have to replace the waterpump or the valve cover gasket on a corrola. Won't happen. Lol

And don't turn this into how boring a Toyota is compared to a BMW. No duh. Toyota ain't made for that.

It's like saying "I buy a Bugatti for the fuel economy"

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