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      03-17-2017, 12:56 PM   #96
Brigadier General
Brake_Late's Avatar

Drives: 2015 F82 M4 FIREORANGE2
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Manhattan Beach

iTrader: (1)

Hatch is uesful in today's world

May we stop worrying so much about what Cars we don't have and enjoy the ones in front of us now ?
We ought to trust in BMW a little more than we seem to and continue to contribute influence as we ALL know so well how to do and DO.
They've blown our minds and excited our senses for almost 4 decades now ( no disrespect to pre E-3 bodied cars but...) mostly ahead of any pack
Almost at any given moment on any given road ....
Let's see where it goes is all I'm suggesting here
Having owned a few ( like many here ) I'm speaking from experience ... what would you rather drive even just daily ? ( Besides a P1 of course ) a BMW.
Eendraght Maeckt Macht
CarbonStrucktureAnthracite, CF_Everything
BMWPhotoVin, 01of01, GTS DCT, EPS, MDM,
CS EDC,Analog Dip ,GTS parts.
Euro Vin e30 M3, FIA cage / 14.7 p / w ratio.
Euro E30 touring G30 MSport i3s LBB X5M
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